Christmas Tree Python

I made a Christmas tree in python turtle.It has random color, size, and place for the lights on the tree. I learned about how to make something random inside a triangle using variables. I made a variable and made it decrease while having the y coordinate go up. It opens up a lot more possibilities to add a nice touch to anything by using random things.

A problem that I had was figuring out the dimensions to the tree. I used variables for that too. It was challenging to figure out how to make the lights random in a triangle. If I had more time to work on it, I would add presents under the tree.

Click here for my project.

Python Turtle Maze

We did a random maze in python turtle. There was a maze that is random every time. One time the entrance could be right at the start, the next time it could be 500 over. I was able to complete the maze around 20 minutes after I started. The maze works by going a random amount, called r1, and then the pen goes up, then it draws another random amount related to r1 called t1. Then it puts the pen down and draws t1 again. I completed the maze the first time by having it go r1+t1/2 to get me to the middle of the opening. Then the maze repeats the same line only opposite. Then I go back r1-t1 to again put me in the middle of the opening. Then I go back to the wall and then the repeat goes to another round. The other way I finished it was by using goto commands. I did -400+r1+t1 because you start at -400 for the x coordinate. Then, you just do the exact opposite for the next line and repeat that. My only challenge was to have it not bounce off the wall and I completed that by doing the goto command. Click here for my project.

Turtle Race in Python

I made a turtle race in python with turtle random and the outcome would never be the same. There is a start line, a finish line, and there are four turtle that make a line behind them. When one of them crosses the finish line, everyone stops racing and it says congratulations, turtle __. Whatever turtle won would be there and there would be a cool blue circle around it.

I learned about the random command and that opens up a ton more of possibilities. I also learned about the write command and it took me around 20 minutes to figure it out. Finally, I learned about the xcor command. When the turtle reaches an x coordinate, then you could do cool things with it.

A problem that I had was when the turtle crossed the finish line most of the time it didn’t stop and I learned that the xcor command only worked when it reached that one number and if it went over then it wouldn’t stop. I figured out how to solve that by doing a >= instead of ==. I was proud of that because I was the only person in my class to find that out and I told everyone else so that there projects would also be better.

If I had more time to work on it, I would add a” 3, 2, 1, Go!” at the start. I also would’ve liked to try a circle track to see if I could make them go around an actual track and I have a few ideas of how to do that.

Here is my project:

Seashell Inspired Artwork

I made a seashell with the bumps at the top get distorted and swirl around a black hole in the center. I was planning to do a normal seashell, but I had struggles keeping the lines all going to one specific place, so when it came out swirly, I liked that I was going to place an enlarged dot on the point where every line was supposed to go to cover it up, but then I got the idea of a black hole and rolled with it. I got inspiration from Ducks and Shells from the Turtle Art book. I got the triangle inspiration from Ducks and the sea theme and doing the outline for the most part from Shells. I had a multitude of challenges along the way. It may seem easy, but it was very hard and time consuming. I first had to get the triangle bump decreasing, although that was relatively easy. It was super hard finding out how far to the left I needed to go on every triangle and I was planning on making a bump and then drawing the triangle inwards and then going back and continuing the bumps, which, looking back on it, probably actually worked, I just didn’t know it at the time. I underestimated how much time that would take and I thought that a double period would be enough time to finish it that day, but it wasn’t and thankfully Mr. Dembo gave our entire class an extension. At one point, I had four boxes in my code just trying to figure out the triangles. Mr. Dembo thought that I should use the set heading command, and I was skeptical at first, but then I tried it out and it worked. I just set the heading to what I wanted, draw the triangle, and then change the set heading to the next one before drawing backwards and then drawing the triangle. That ended up working really well for me. I started out using the pen size as ten, but it was too big and the lines were too close to each other so I bumped it down to 8. I learned how the set heading block worked and it is very useful in many situations. I also learned how to use boxes and they are super useful for anything that doesn’t already have an existing variable. Click here to access my project.Here is the code for my project:


My Name in Turtle Art

I created my name in turtle art and the entire thing changed color slowly. The letters started in the top left corner and worked its way down towards the middle of the canvas. I was able to create my name relatively quickly because I know what a lot of things do in turtle art, but I wasn’t satisfied with how it turned out and I wanted a challenge. So, I decided to have it change color gradually to make it look more interesting.



It ended up that the only way it would work is if instead of doing forward 10, I had to do repeat 10, change color and then move forward 1. It was a lot of hard work and I had to take out all of my arcs to make it work. I learned what action blocks were and it made putting the color in so much easier, all I had to do was put the action block “color” in and then it would be there instead of taking around a minute each time to create the color block, which would make it so much more time consuming and inefficient. I also learned how to use the arc block and if I wanted it to go left for my letter e, so I learned that I had to put the number as a negative number and learning that will be very beneficial in upcoming turtle art projects. I also learned about variable things such as the color changing gradually and now I can apply that to other things as well. It was very challenging to make the color change as I did it, it was very inefficient coding, but there wasn’t really a way to change it and it ended up looking better than I expected. Also, when I did the arcs or semi-circles, the color on that looked very dot shaped and not gradual, so I made the color change less than a straight line so that it would look the same. If I had done it again, I would have changed the positioning of the letters so that it didn’t go down like that because at the start I was using math for the x and y coordinates, but then I just had to guess and check because the e took up a lot more space than the other letters, so it isn’t exactly a certain amount away from the other letters.

Turtle Art

I have been working on a turtle art project where I created a lot of different colored circles. I had a lot of challenges. First, when I was creating the last circle, I had a lot of challenges getting the circle to be in the middle of all of the other ones. It kept going off to the side and I learned to find out why it wasn’t working by retracing my steps. Then, because of MAP testing, I had to shut my chromebook down and I forgot to save my turtle art project. Next time, I will save it as soon as I finish so that I don’t lose my project. Here is my project.

Everything about Me

Hi! I’m Riley Wold. I enjoy playing sports but especially hockey. I play for the Rolling Meadows Renegades and play defense. I have had a lot of success in the past as my team has gotten second place in the entire league of over 70 teams. I also run cross-country and was able to go to State in 6th grade, and there were only around 30 6th graders at State of around the 250 participants. I also like reading, when I get into a book, I can finish it in 2-3 days. My favorite classes are math, language arts, and science. I like math because it is challenging and it is fun when I complete a very hard math problem. For language arts, I like reading like I said before. And for science, I like learning how things work in the world.

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